The top stair lift user manuals for most current and previous models. Please contact us if you would like to add a manual to this page.
Acorn 130/T700
User manual for the current model Acorn 130/T700
Acorn 120
User manual for the model Acorn 120
Acorn Superglide
User manual for the original model Acorn Superglide
Acorn 180 Curved
User manual for the model Acorn 180 curved
Bruno SRE-3050
Elan SRE-3050 Operator’s manual
Bruno SRE-2010
User manual for the original Bruno model SRE-2010
Bruno SRE-3000
User manual for the original Bruno model SRE-3000
Bruno CRE 2110
Operators manual for the Bruno CRE-2110 curved model
Bruno SRE-2750
User manual for the Bruno SRE-2750 Electra-ride LT (discontinued)
Bruno SRE-1550
Operator’s manual for the Bruno SRE-1550 Electra Ride ll Stairway elevator (discontinued)
Handicare 950/950+
User manual for Handicare 950/950+
Handicare 1000
User manual for new Handicare 1000
Handicare 1100
User manual for new Handicare 1100
Handicare Xclusive
User manual for Handicare Xclusive
Handicare 2000 Curved
User manual for the Handicare model 2000 curved
Handicare Freecurve
Handicare Freecurve user manual
Handicare Minivator (Old)
Handicare/Minivator user manual for older Simplicity 1000 and 2000 models
Harmar SL600
Owners manual for the Harmar Pinnacle SL600
Helix CSL 500
Owners manual for the Harmar Helix curved model
Harmar SL300
Owners manual for the Harmar Pinnacle SL300
Harmar Pinnacle
Owners manual for the Harmar Pinnacle model
Harmar Summit
Owners manual for the Harmar Summit cable drive lift models SL350 AC and SL350 OD
Harmar SL400
Owners manual for the Harmar Vantage SL400 (discontinued)
Hawle Curved Lift
Owners manual for the Hawle/Precision curved stair
User Guide for the Meditek (discontinued)
E120, D120, D160 and DSP100 Models
Meditek Models
Additional information on the discontinued Meditek models
MediTek Guide
Guide with controller diagnostic display (discontinued)
Pilot Aviator
Merits E603 Pilot Owners Manual
Merits Pilot E603
Savaria K2
Owners manual for the Savaria K2
Savaria K2 Plus
Savaria K2 Plus owners manual
Savaria SL-1000
Owners manual for the Savaria SL-1000
Savaria Stairfriend
Owners manual for the Savaria Stairfriend curved model
Savaria Step Saver
Savaria Step Saver Owners Manual (discontinued)
Staying Home SL19
Staying Home model SL19 owners manual
Sterling Model 1000
User manual for the Sterling/Minivator model 1000
Sterling Simplicity 950
User manual for Sterling/Minivator Simplicity 950
Summit Lifts
Owners manual for the Summit lift cable drive model (old)
TK Access Excel
Owners manual for the Access Excel model (discontinued)
TK Citia BOS
Owners manual for the TK Citia BOS (battery-operated system) discontinued
TK Flow2
Owners manual for the Flow2 curved model
TK Levant Manual
User manual for the TK Levant (discontinued)
UP Curved
User manual for the UP curved